• Call for Papers: IECER 2016 – Change. The New face of Entrepreneurship.

    26. Februar 2016

    The forthcoming 14th edition of the Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research IECER is about change. Digital technologies are transforming industrial and service-oriented economies. Signs of change are anywhere: New business models evolve that are based on other people’s resources. Entrepreneurs more and more coordinate than produce or deliver products. Digital technologies have facilitated the access to geographically remote knowledge sources in technology intensive areas. Even young firms are now able to internationalise knowledge-intensive corporate functions such as R&D or communication services. Trade statistics might not be able to capture the international exchange of these online services. Peer-to-peer-markets offer opportunities for firms and individuals to raise capital that have been intermediated by incumbent players of the financial industry for a long time (Call for Papers).