Archiv für Monat: März 2016

  • Call for Papers: International Journal of Business Environment: Special Issue on “Multinationals, Sustainability and Social Change” lesen

    International Journal of Business Environment: Special Issue on “Multinationals, Sustainability and Social Change

  • Paper der „KSG Entrepreneurship Research Award 2015“ Preisträger im Journal of Business Venturing veröffentlicht. lesen

    Das vom FGF auf dem G-Forum 2015 in Kassel mit dem „KSG Entrepreneurship Research Award 2015” (Förderer Karl Schlecht Stiftung)  ausgezeichnete Paper der Autoren Matthias Schulz, Diemo Urbig und Vivien Procher vom Jackstädtzentrum für Unternehmertums- und Innovationsforschung der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal „Hybrid entrepreneurship and public policy: The case of firm entry deregulation” wurde im Journal of Business Venturing, Volume 31, Issue 3, May 2016, Pages 272–286 veröffentlicht.

  • New release in FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship „Complexity in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Research“ lesen

    Cover-FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship_Band 2.docxThe second Volume in FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship with the titel „Complexity in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Research – Applications of Emergent and Neglected Methodshas been published at Springer. This volume discusses the challenge of dealing with complexity in entrepreneurship, innovation and technology research. Businesses as well as entire economies are increasingly being confronted by widespread complex systems. Fields such as entrepreneurship and innovation cannot ignore this reality, especially with their inherent links to diverse research fields and interdisciplinary methods. However, most methods that allow more detailed analyses of complex problems are either neglected in mainstream research or are, at best, still emerging. Against this backdrop, this book provides a forum for the discussion of emergent and neglected methods in the context of complexity in entrepreneurship, innovation and technology research, and also acts as an inspiration for academics across related disciplines to engage more in complexity research.


  • Startschuss für Gründungsprojekt GISBERT! lesen

    Am 24. Februar trafen sich im Biozentrum Halle zahlreiche interessierte Teilnehmer aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zum Bioökonomie Matchmaking-Event „Wirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft“. Austauschen konnten sich Interessierte im Rahmen des Treffens, das neben dem Kennenlernen von potentiellen Kooperationspartnern auch als Auftaktveranstaltung zum Projekt GISBERT diente, über die Realisierung von Forschungsvorhaben, der Verwertung von Forschungsergebnissen und neue Geschäfts- beziehungsweise Gründungsideen im Bereich der Bioökonomie.

  • Improving the Quality of Empirical Research—Inaugural Conference of the Diligentia Foundation on April 29th in Cologne lesen

    Improving the Quality of Empirical Research—
    A Dialogue Across Social Science Disciplines and Research Methods
    Inaugural Conference of the Diligentia Foundation
    29. April 2016, 09:00 – 17:00
    Rotonda Business Club, Pantaleonswall 27, Köln, Germany

    Founded in 2015, the Diligentia Foundation is devoted to supporting empirical research in the social sciences. The Foundation’s inaugural conference brings together leading representatives and academic practitioners of different empirical research methods to discuss opportunities and challenges for ensuring and further improving the quality of empirical research in the social sciences. The conference will gather contributions from a wide‐ranging spectrum of social science disciplines and research methods in order to foster dialogue and mutual learning across what have often become silos of particular methodological and (sub‐)disciplinary approaches. While methodological and disciplinary specialization has its benefits, it seems important also to recognize the limitations and missed opportunities that such specialization entails. Perhaps there are important lessons that can be learned from other social science disciplines and methodological approaches that can help further to improve the quality of empirical research in any given specialization. The conference seeks to provide opportunities for examining this potential for crossdisciplinary and cross–methodological reflection and fruition.

    Invited keynote speakers, who are leading representatives of particular methodological approaches in their respective disciplines, will provide stimuli for discussion. Conference participants are invited to form discussionround tables that take up these stimuli with the aim of further exploring the particular opportunities and challenges of applying and further developing particular research methods in their respective disciplines. Brief presentations of theses summarizing the discussion results of each roundtable will bring the conference to a close.

    You may register for the conference online: All conference attendees must register to attend. Deadline for registrations is 31. March, 2016. The conference fee of €30,00 (€20,00 for non‐tenured academics) covering lunch and refreshments is payable upon registration.

    Cancellation with full refund is possible until 15. April 2016. Please transfer the conference fee to the following account: Diligentia‐Stiftung, Sparkasse KölnBonn, IBAN: DE 29 3705 0198 1932 5382 65, BIC: COLSDE33.

    Prof. Dr. Mark Ebers, Prof. Dr.h.c. Norbert Szyperski
    Members of the Board of the Diligentia Foundation, Köln