G-Forum 2019 conference – Vienna (Austria)

Annual Conference 2019

The 23rd Annual Interdisciplinary Conferenceon Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs will be held in Vienna from September25th to 27th, 2019. Lead partner of the FGF e.V. is the WUVienna University of Economics, Institute for SME Management andEntrepreneurship represented by Prof. Dr. Dietmar Roessl, who together with PDDr. Alexander Keßler represent the presidency of the conference.

The 23rd Annual Interdisciplinary Conferenceon Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs will be held in Vienna from September25th to 27th, 2019. Lead partner of the FGF e.V. is the WUVienna University of Economics, Institute for SME Management andEntrepreneurship represented by Prof. Dr. Dietmar Roessl, who together with PDDr. Alexander Keßler represent the presidency of the conference.


The conference program will be enriched by renowned keynote speakers. Further details to be announced as the program is finalized?


The overarching theme of the G-Forum 2019 in Vienna is:

“Opportunities for SMEs in a globalized world”

The advancing globalisation of the world economy in recent decades continues to bring about significant changes in competitive conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises. SMEs are directly or indirectly affected by these changes and need to adapt accordingly

Management concepts that successfully allow SMEs to address these challenges and strategies used to achieve a functional fit between firms and their environment will be the focus of the G-Forum 2019.

Against this background, the G-Forum 2019 addresses the many questions, but above all the many opportunities and solutions that arise for SMEs from the perspective of science and practice.

Science and practice

To enhance the exchange between science and practice, submissions “from both worlds” are expressly desired. Topic-specific sessions are offered which are either based on submissions from science or practice. There will be two independent review processes to meet the different requirements of submissions from both realms.


In addition to submissions addressing the guiding theme of the conference, the conference organizers expressly welcome any submission that correspond to the three main thematic fields of the FGF e.V. These are the topics

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • SMEs

In this way, the G-Forum will fulfill its role as a central platform for the scientific community to exchange views on the current state of scientific discussion.


The conference languages are German and English.

Submission types

It is possible to submit full papers to the G-Forum. Authors of full paper submissions will receive two developmental reviews from members of the G-Forum Review Board and can qualify for a 20-minute presentation plus 10-minute discussion. However, proposals for presentations can also be submitted as an abstract. An abstract should not exceed 1.000 words. Abstracts will qualify for poster presentations, round-table discussions or short presentations (elevator pitches). Please submit your full papers and abstracts in two versions (with and without author details) as a pdf document before May 10th, 2019, via e-mail to submission-gforum2019@fgf-ev.de.

Guidelines for submission (full paper and abstracts)

Research-and practice-oriented papers can be submitted. Please state in your submission e-mail whether you are applying for a presentation in the research or practice track. During submission please send both a manuscript without author name(s) and a manuscript with full author name(s) and correspondence address(es) on the title page. Submissions can be either in German or English. Submissions of scientific contributions should ideally be structured as follows:

  • Problem definition (research gap / objective)
  • Theoretical foundation
  • Methodology / empirical research context
  • Results
  • Implications for entrepreneurship research and practice

Submissions of practical contributions should include a clear starting point, objectives, results and implications for practice.

Review process

The selection of full papers and abstracts to be presented at the conference will be based on a double-blind review process. Only full paper submissions will receive a developmental review. The G-Forum review board is responsible for the review process. We will inform the authors on the acceptance of their submissions by mid July 2019.


Various subject areas of the FGF will be recognized with awards. These awards will be announced 2019 prior to the conference. Detailed information (tender texts) will be available on the FGF website http://www.g-forum.de. We also recommend following the news in our FGF newsletter.

Doctoral Colloquium

On the day prior to the conference, Wednesday, September 25th, 2019, we invite interested doctoral students in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs to a doctoral colloquium. Experienced entrepreneurship scholars will provide an introduction to leading academic journals and discuss how to publish in these journals. Moreover, doctoral students will have the opportunity to present their ongoing research projects in a developmental workshop atmosphere and to discuss them with experienced scholars. A proposal should contain a two- to three-page description with the following information:

  • Topic
  • Research question(s)
  • Research design
  • Hypothesis (hypotheses) and
  • (If available) first results and information about questions for the colloquium.

Please send your documents by e-mail with “doctoral colloquium 2019” as the subject directly to Ulrich Knaup (knaup@fgf-ev.de) before August 18th, 2019. Participation in the doctoral colloquium is linked to registration for the main G-Forum conference.

Conference Fees

  • Members of FGF:  € 310,-
  • Non-members of FGF including a one year FGF membership*:  € 390,-
  • Non-members of FGF without a one year FGF membership: € 390,-

* Membership will be renewed automatically after one year (annual membership fee is € 120,-), but can be cancelled three months (September 30th, 2020) before expiration.

The conference fees include participation in all conference sessions, conference materials and all meals during the conference (coffee and lunch breaks) and participation in the conference dinner.


A limited number of students (no doctoral students and no research associates) will be able to participate in the conference for a fee of € 100,-. Applications (informal request, copy of

student ID card) must be sent to the e-mail address knaup@fgf-ev.de. The decision will be communicated by e-mail in September.

Overview of important dates

Doctoral Colloquium

September 25th, 2019

Submission of application with the subject “Doctoral Colloquium” before August 18th, 2019 via e-mail to knaup@fgf-ev.de, notification of acceptance by September 1st, 2019


September 26th and 27th, 2019

Submission of abstracts and full papers before May 10th, 2019 via email: submission-gforum2019@fgf-ev.de; notification of acceptance: mid July, 2019

Registration deadline for participants: September 15th, 2019


The conference website is: http://www.g-forum.de.


Hotels close to the conference venue (WU Vienna University of Economics) are reserved in various price ranges. Please make your hotel reservation early. Information about accommodation will be available on our conference website http://www.g-forum.de.

We look forward to welcoming you in Vienna!