For the first time, contributions to the upcoming G-Forum at TU Darmstadt can also be submitted via the crowdinnovation platform of the Fraunhofer Center IMW in addition to the ConfTool. Would you like to present your latest project or have you developed an exciting tool to sustainably strengthen innovation and resilience of companies? Then register on the platform and submit your idea with a short description of 250-500 words (see link).
Submissions are possible there until May 31, 2023. After that, the idea will be evaluated in a community voting for one week. Subsequently, a jury consisting of Prof. Carolin Bock, Prof. Alexandra Moritz, Prof. Alexander Kock and the FGF Managing Director Mr. Ulrich Knaup selects the ideas. Both evaluation methods are included in 50% of the overall result.
Both evaluation methods are included in 50% of the overall result. The three best ideas on the platform will receive a presentation slot on Thursday afternoon in the exclusive “Crowd on Stage” session and a free ticket each, sponsored by the city of Darmstadt.
Please note that you must submit your papers both in the ConfTool system and via the Crowd Innovation Platform.
We look forward to see your ideas.