G-Forum 2020 Conference – Theme

The overarching theme of the G-Forum 2020 is:

“Entrepreneurship as Design Science”

Design activities are central to many research fields including engineering, medicine, and information systems. Design science research is a paradigm in which a designer answers questions relevant to human problems via the creation of innovative artifacts, thereby contributing new knowledge to the body of scientific evidence. The designed artifacts are both useful and fundamental in understanding a problem. In supplement to theory building and empirical research, design research is not content to describe, explain, and predict. It also wants to improve the context it is considering. The design science paradigm has been applied to various contexts in management and organizational theory. With the theme of the conference, we want to create an opportunity to explore the possibilities of design science research in entrepreneurship.

Science and practice
To enhance the exchange between science and practice, submissions “from both worlds” are expressly desired. Topic-specific sessions are offered which are either based on submissions from science or practice. There will be two independent review processes to meet the different requirements of submissions from both realms.

In addition to submissions addressing the guiding theme of the conference, the conference organizers expressly welcome any submission that corresponds to the three main thematic fields of the FGF e.V. These are the topics:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • SMEs.

In this way, the G-Forum will fulfill its role as a central platform for the scientific community to exchange views on the current state of scientific discussion.